Friday, January 02, 2009

The Project

In the past year, I’ve realized that I don’t write as much as I used to outside of what is necessary for school. This seems strange when you consider I’m working toward a degree in journalism. Essentially I want to write for a living and yet I seem to write less now than I used to. This is the year that that is all going to change.

Or at least, an attempt at change is going to be made.

Therefore the goal of this blog will be to write regularly. Of course this is obviously too vague a goal without having some ground rules.


The Rules

1. I have to post something once a day, Mon-Fri.
2. It may be in any written format (Poem, list, narrative, ect.), but it must contain no fewer than 100 words.
3. The content must be posted no later than 11:59pm eastern time.

Now of course, rules are fine and well, but if there are going to be rules there need to be penalties for breaking those rules.


If one of the above rules is broken then…

…for each missed day I have to write two entries which will be posted on Saturday and Sunday. The catch is that the posts must be made on the same day (unless the number of posts required is greater than 4), but at least a half-hour must pass between the posting of each entry. These entries may be made no earlier than 12am on Saturday and no later than 11:59pm on Sunday. Their minimum length is 200 words.

So the challenge starts tonight, on my twentieth birthday. In the following year I look forward to taking more time for myself. This is the year that I break my silence and unleash the words, that for so long tethered to writing English papers (and most recently physics papers…). This year I embark on journey of words

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