Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Shakespeare Problem

I only have to read one last play for my Shakespeare class, and I’m having trouble convincing myself to sit down and read it. We’re reading “The Tempest” and I’m not impressed with what I’ve read so far. It may just be me, but I’m not a big fan. Egh, Shakespeare!

At the moment I feel like all of my motivation has been sapped away. I am in a perpetual state of waiting. I’m waiting to hear back from Michigan State and I’m waiting to hear back from WCC. Really, to be frank, I’m tired of all the waiting.

I want to know, I want to have some concrete idea of where I’m headed. But then of course, there is this equal proportion of dread. Sometimes I’m not sure I want to know. I’m not sure if I want these answers that I’m waiting for because there is no guarantee that they will be the answers I want to hear.

And yet… I really, really want to know!

At any rate, I suppose I won’t find anything out until I do so it’s not worth worrying over. At least the Shakespeare problem can be solved in the next few days. I have to go to work and I’ll need something to do during my breaks.

Great, Shakespeare. Eh.

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