Friday, March 13, 2009


The good news is that I finished my essay before the deadline, the bad news… I didn’t post again yesterday. Of course this means that there will be four posts this weekend. Great, fantastic. Can this week please be over? Please?

I keep telling myself that everything will be fine, I just have to make it to the end of April. God, I wish the end of April were closer at hand. I enjoy school, but I’ve reached my limit between juggling work and classes and the insane amount of reading that I have to maintain this semester. I enjoy reading, but it’s gotten to the point that the only things that I read are class related.

I don’t want to read anymore Shakespeare and yet I’m obligated to read at least three more plays…

I’m whining, and I don’t like to whine but these are the things that are on my mind. They are consuming my brain, running in a continuous stream. That is the one thing to be said about going to work, it gives me a chance to forget about school everything that I have to do, at least when I’m busy…

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