Wednesday, March 25, 2009

To Travel, To Remember

“What do you think is the best part of traveling—seeing new things, or coming home again?”

My favorite part of traveling is getting the opportunity to see new places. I can recall various mission trips to Oklahoma, the band trip to Florida and several trips to New York. On each of those trips I can remember enjoying the time spent on the road: sunshine streaming through the windows, conversation and light radio in the background, and beautiful scenery in the passing landscapes.

But the time spent in transit isn’t the only thing that I love about travel. The reservation that we stayed at in Oklahoma was beautiful. It was out in the country, surrounded by dirt roads. I can remember mornings getting up at sunrise and taking walks to the small town several miles out.

The great thing about Oklahoma was also getting the opportunity to work with the people there. The first year we worked to build a fence, and the next year a patio, while the third year we put on a vacation bible school for the local kids. Every year I was a part of the bell choir and banner team. It was an amazing experience.

That’s the thing about travel, it’s always an experience. It’s a chance to see and experience new things and to interact with new people. It’s the chance to grow, and learn and consider new possibilities.

Oklahoma sunrise.

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