Thursday, March 19, 2009

To Remember

Today was a lovely day, even though I spent it at work. I was able to keep super busy, so it didn’t seem like a long day, which was awesome. Mostly I spent the day cleaning, but that wasn’t so bad. I like to stay busy. The way I see it, is that they are paying me to work so I’m going to work, anything less than that is equivalent to a waste of my time.

As of tonight I will be a week ahead in my Shakespeare class. I’m hoping to manage to keep that status up so that maybe I won’t feel like I’m always under such a time crunch. Of course, it would help if I wouldn’t wait so late to post on this blog. I seriously almost forgot to post tonight, and worst part is that I was thinking about needing to post on my drive home from work.

Short term memory ftw.

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