Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Desk

Today was a productive day. The store was fairly busy when I got into work. In fact, it was busy enough for the computers to be acting up. It really stinks when the computers decide that they don't want to function properly.

At any rate though, I kept busy. I had a lot of artwork to put out, and a desk to put together so that we could put it out on display. Putting the desk together was interesting. The process went easily enough, until I had to fasten the top portion onto it. There were four wooden dowels that were supposed to help fasten it, but when the front portion fastened on, the back wouldn't line up and the vice versa. I ended up on using the dowels on one section, since it had to be fastened with screws as well. I ended up having parts left over, but everything was securely put together and since there shouldn't ever be a reason to dismantle it, it should be fine.

I drove home amidst stormy skies. It was interesting walking out of the building because the sky was a study in juxtaposition. The southern portion was blue with big puffy clouds, and the northern portion was dark and murky with occasional flashes of lightning and thunder. I was glad that I was headed south. All in all though it was a full day, and I made it home in time to watch The Golden Girls.

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