Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bean Bag Toss

Tonight was really fun. I went to a local elementary school and helped out with a kind of carnival that they were holding for their students in the schools gym. They had different games set up, and the kids would 'pay' with a read ticket to play the game, and then win white tickets in exchange for how well they did in the particular game.

Andy and I were manning the bean bag toss. It was really fun to get the opportunity to work with kids again. I haven't really done a lot of volunteer work since high school, and really I've missed it. There truly is something relaxing about donating a portion of your time to someone else. Volunteering is both something that you do for someone else, but also for yourself and for the feeling that you walk away with.

Another awesome thing about today is that I am caught up in all of my classes. Even just last week I felt like I was drowning in school work, and just so far behind but at the moment that's not an issue and that is an amazing feeling. I love being caught up with everything. It's just too stressful the other way around.

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